Friday, March 18, 2011

So Much For Spring Break!

Well, Spring Break is almost over and its been a rough one, for me any way. They boys have done rather well all things considered. They have spent hours playing with toys, playing in the back yard, computer games and LOTS of videos thanks to Netflix! I have had a tough time being a single parent while my husband is currently TDY. Four more weeks until he's home and only two more days until the boys go back to school :)

It has certainly been an interesting week. It started off with very bad news of a family member's health. Bad how my sister and I found out about it as well. Proof once again that the family is further apart than we'd like. We can't change peoples actions but we can control how we react to them. Thats tough to do. My sister can just wash her hands of these things and I tend to want to press the issue, find out more, reach out etc.

I sure would have loved to do something exciting for Spring Break but that didn't work out. No extra money with a big trip to California coming up in a few weeks. I do feel like things are falling into place as far as the planning goes. If only we could win the lottery! It costs us so much money to go home once or twice per year and with one income its becoming so very draining. On the other hand, I am more than excited to see my sister get married! She has been waiting a very long time to find the right guy and she found him! They are buying their first home and I am so very proud of my sister :)