Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Big News!

On Saturday my sister and her boyfriend found out that they are going to have a little baby girl.  I think its still sinking in for everyone.  Its so amazing and awesome.  I had three boys and I knew that my sister would end up with a girl.  My mom would be so excited!  The baby's name is Eleanor Paige and they will call her Elle.  The name Eleanor comes from our maternal grandmother.  She passed away from breast cancer in 1983.  Kara has always wanted to use that name and now she can.  I am so excited that I will have niece.  I am so happy that we are going to have a little girl to love and spoil.  Kara is due in early October.

I decided to give the dog a bath today.  She walked in the kitchen yesterday and shook.  When she walked out there was a huge mess of dirt on the floor.  I couldn't believe it.  I guess its time for a bath.  She's a lab so she loves the water.  Dominic is usually the one to give her baths but she did fine for me.

I'm starting to paint all of the cabinet doors for the kitchen.  I picked them up on Saturday.  They look great and will look even better when they're painted.  Its going to be a lot of work though.  

Friday, April 24, 2009

No plans...again

We the weekend is here again.  Once again, we have no plans.  Nothing exciting to do.  I wish we did.  

I promised Christian that we would have Chinese food for dinner so we did.  That was tough for me because I FINALLY made it under 200 lbs as of this morning.  I do know that I have no problems getting right back on track.  I've done it before and I will do it again.
We talked about how Dominic will want to eat Chinese when he gets home.  He told me that if he gets home at a decent hour that he wants to go out to eat before we go home.  We decided that we are going to count Mondays.  That means we have approximately 8 Mondays left.  Of course we don't know for sure when he will be back and won't know for sure until maybe that week arrives.  He seems to think that maybe they will be back in time for Father's Day.  That would be a really great thing.

Christian's appointment went well.  The doctor gave him a prescription for Allegra since he's been dealing with a runny nose as of late.
I received a note from Christians teacher saying that she has seen little to no improvement in Christian since changing meds.  Somehow I figured.  I'm so ready for this school year to be over.  I can't wait for him to start fresh with a new teacher.  There is so much happening this next month however.  I have to register Ayden for Pre-K and go to the orientation.  There is another field trip, Muffins for Mom, a book fair, Track and Field Day and awards ceremonies.  I'm going to have to ask Sarah if she'll be able to watch the boys for me so I can go to the Pre-K orientation.  I don't want to miss that and it would be great if I could go without having to take all of the boys.  On top of all the school stuff there is Mother's Day and birthdays.  The last day of school is May 29th which happens to be my birthday.  Then we can patiently wait out those last few weeks until Dominic gets home.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day

Christian had a field trip yesterday.  He got to go to the movie theater to see the first screening of Earth.  He said it was great.  He thinks we should go see it as a family.

I bought a whole bunch of cloth grocery bags.  The biggest problem is going to be remembering to take them to the store with me.  I'm going to try though.

Christian has an appointment with his allergy doctor today.  He's been sneezing and has a runny nose in the mornings again.  I'm sure its because Spring has sprung.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Garage Party

I did it!  I went to the Harley Davidson Garage Party last night.  It was so much fun.  I lifted a 350 lbs motorcycle!  Then we got to get on the DYNO machine (motorcycle treadmill) and learned how to drive and go through the gears.  That was my favorite part!  We learned about all the safety gear and the Riders Edge class.  It was so great and I am so happy that I did this.  It was a very empowering experience.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Stepping Out

I've done several things since Dominic has been away that I consider stepping outside of my box.  I am in a box.  I stick to what I know for the most part.  I am not one to venture outside of that unless I have some strong willed encouragement (Amanda...hehehe).  

A little background...I don't ever remember a time that my dad didn't own a Harley Davidson.  I have very vivid memories of my mom and him getting ready for a ride with the neighbors.  My mom would french braid her hair.  Dad would roll the bike out just outside the garage and my sister and I would stand waiting for them to leave.  I distinctly remember always being afraid of the motorcycle because it was so loud.  My sister would go for rides with my dad but I never did.  I don't remember how old I was when I finally found the courage to go for my first ride.  When I watched my dad and sister on the back and they went around the corner at the end of the street I just knew that the bike was going to fall over.  That's what it looked like from a child's perspective, only that never did happen.  That was what I feared on that first ride.

As I got older I knew with confidence that my dad was awesome, a true biker.  My dad took me on a run when I was maybe 11 or 12.  It was amazing and so much fun.  The older that I have gotten the more sure I am that I want to own a Harley.  I would love to someday have my own but I think at this point I'd have to share with Dominic :)  

Anyhow the point of this story is that I have decided to go to a Garage Party at the local Harley store.  The Garage Parties are for women only.  They are meant to teach women about the bikes themselves, the safety gear, how to pick up a motorcycle should the need ever arise and many other things.  It is free, they feed everyone and at the end they give everyone a gift card and gift bag.  Oh!  And one person will win a free riding course worth $295.00  This all is very (VERY) intimidating for me.  I asked a girl named Jordan if she would want to go with me and she said yes.  She is the wife of one of the guys that is with Dominic and they live right around the corner from us.  Oddly enough, this will be our first time to see each other since the guys have been gone.  Jordan is a country girl and everything that goes along with that.  She hunts and plays all kinds of sports.

I asked Sarah if she would be able to babysit for me, she agreed.  So tomorrow evening I will officially be stepping out of my box.  I do not like to be the center of attention so I am hoping that I won't do anything stupid.  I believe that everyone will get on a stationary bike and learn how to go through the gears...while its running...eeek!  

This will be a good opportunity for me to choose confidence.

A Good Weekend

Friday was pretty good.  Christian brought home his oral book report grade.  He ended up with a B+.  I was pleased with that.  Christian had another doctors appointment to check up on his ADHD meds.  The doc ended up changing medications.  Christian's teacher said that he wasn't do as well and I was noticing the same.  We are starting on the lowest dose of this new medication and the weekend went well.  Even today was great.  We went to the grocery store after I picked him up from school.  When we got home I brought the three bags of groceries and set them on the porch so I could get Mason out of the car.  When I walked into the house the bags were in the kitchen.  Christian brought them in for me.  I went out of my way to thank him and praise him for that.  Every little bit helps me in a huge way.  Also I told Christian that he needed to feed Lilly and get ready for scouts after he was done eating.  He did both of those things without having to be reminded over and over and over and over again.  So far so good.

I found out on Friday that Ayden will get to start Pre-K at Christian's school this coming Fall.  I'm so excited about that.  The only thing that concerns me is that its a full day of school for a 4 year old.  When Christian started school in England he was 4 also however the first semester was half-day then they went to a full day for the second semester.  We'll see how Ayden does.  Christian and I talked to Ayden about starting school and he was very excited.  He was giggling and talking about making friends and his teacher.  I think he's ready.  He's going to love all the activities, recess and lunch.  It will be great AND I will have Mason at home with me all day.

Sarah (our babysitter) came over for a couple of hours on Saturday.  I didn't have any plans but I had been wanting to go to the book store alone.  I love looking for new books but its so hard to do because Ayden wants to play trains in the kids section which is all the way at the back of the store.  Then I can't look at books that I want to look for.  Anyhow, it was nice to go to the bookstore alone and spend as much time as I wanted there.  I also found a dress for the Vegas trip at Ross.  I hardly ever go there.  I think maybe I've been there a handful of times in my life but I just happened to find a really great dress on Saturday.  I spent 2 hours running around and shopping and was refreshed when I got home.

On Sunday I spent some time cleaning out my car.  It was quite a mess.  I took out all the rear seats to vacuum all the dried up french fries, raisins and cracker crumbs.  The floor in front of Ayden's seat was so stained.  I got out the carpet cleaner and used the hand tool to clean.  It worked great and the car smells so fresh now.  I didn't get to finish because Mason had had enough.  I still feel like I accomplished something though.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Mom's Birthday

Today is my mom's birthday.  She would have been 55 today.  She was too young to die.  I miss her every single day.  I want to call her every single day.  We are coming up on a year since she passed away and I still don't know how to live without her.  I struggle with feeling her and knowing that she's with me.
Dominic bought my sister and I these pendants for mom's birthday.  It was the absolute perfect gift.  Every time I touch it I think of her.  She is my angel.

Toxic Waste Spill

Quite a morning we had today (and its not even over yet).  I went in Mason's room to get him up and dressed only to find him COVERED in poop.  Ah, the joys of motherhood!  He had taken off his jammie pants and diaper then did his routine morning BM.  Awesome.  There was poop on the floor, the mattress, the crib, blankets, hands, arms up to the elbows (both arms), feet, legs, and on Mason's cheek!  No joke!  A very sticky situation.

I ran some bath water and picked him up out of the crib keeping him at arms length away from me.  I put him in the bath and washed every inch of him with soap.  Gross little pooper!  The sheets and blankets are in the wash and I still have to get the carpet cleaner in there.  What a mess!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Loooonnnnggg Day!

Whew!  Yesterday was a tough day.  Mason ran a fever all day again but no cold symptoms to go along with it.  He was very lethargic and tired only he wouldn't sleep.  He only slept for 20 minutes yesterday.  He cried all day.  He just wanted to be held all day.  Poor guy.  He has some molars coming in on the top.

Ayden was fine all morning and afternoon until we were ready to walk out the door to pick up Christian from school.  He was laying in the recliner almost asleep.  I felt his forehead and sure enough he was HOT.  I got the boys in the car and the next thing I know Ayden is throwing up.  GREAT!!!  I love having throw up in the car!  So of course I have no other choice but to just let him sit in it because we still have to pick Christian up from school.  This was the time I was wishing we lived closer to family or at the very least that I had a friend I could call to pick Christian up for me.  No such luck.  Ayden fell asleep while we waited for Christian.  When we got home Ayden was slow and lethargic for about an hour then was back to his normal self.  At bedtime he started to feel hot again.

Mason slept an absolutely wonderful 12 hours last night.  I know he needed that and I did too.  Both Ayden and Mason woke up feeling good, no fevers so far.  I hope today is a better day.

We have some more thunder storms coming through this afternoon.  More rain, wind and lightening.  

Dominic reminded me this morning that we have 8 weeks to go!  Yeah!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Dominic sent me this picture of the whole team.  Its such a great picture with the exception of the mustaches.  This was in the middle of the Mustache March unfortunately.  This is the first time Dominic has grown a full mustache and it kinda makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little bit...sorry babe!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sick and tired

Dominic called today.  It is always so great to talk to him but we are both so over this whole deployment.  He is dying to get out of there and I cannot wait for him to come home.  Maybe we aren't made up for the whole deployment thing, I don't know.  Dominic drives me crazy sometimes and I'm sure I do him too however I never want him to go away.  We enjoy being together for almost everything.  We run errands on the weekends, take the boys for their haircuts, go grocery shopping (sometimes) etc.  We like to do things together and as a family.  I am so anxious to have that back.  I really miss him.

Mason wasn't quite on top of his game today.  By about noon he was running a fever and very lethargic but he didn't have any symptoms of being sick or getting a cold.  I held him for most of the evening while he laid on me.  Then it dawned on me that he could be teething.  Sure enough he has some molars coming in on the top.  I gave him some Tylenol to drop the fever.  He got some energy back and played a little bit before bedtime.  We'll see how the night goes.

I didn't sleep well at all last night.  It sort of felt like I just laid in bed thinking the whole night.  I hope I get some much better rest tonight.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We didn't do much today.  Dominic and I both decided that the holidays just aren't the same without each other to share them with.  We didn't go to church.  Our egg hunt was in the house because we had an evening thunder/hail storm.  We get hail quite often but I was concerned about the cars this time.  The hail was a little bigger than pea-sized.  Neat to watch although a little scary to hear.

I laid down while Mason took his nap.  I never fell asleep but I did get to rest.  That was nice.  I made the boys breakfast for dinner complete with bacon, eggs and toast.  I think this is the second time I have cooked bacon since Dominic left :) 

Its been a very lazy weekend.  We haven't left the house once which is perfectly okay sometimes.  My lawn guy came by today.  He said he would be by on Thursday to mow.  After all the rain the lawn will need it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Math Class

Dominic called today after his first math class.  I could tell by his tone of voice that he was happy.  He said that the teacher was funny and very easy going.  He feels really good about the class and thinks that it won't be a problem at all.  He was in a great mood so that was nice to hear.

My babies got shots today

I had a bunch of errands to run today.  I had to take the truck to get an oil change and do the inspection.  It passed which I expected.  I really like the place that I have taken the vehicles.  They vacuum the floors and seats and clean the windows.  I like that.

After that we drove to the base and had to get the boys some shots.  Mason needed one and Ayden needed five.  Poor kid.  He knew what was coming but he did really good.  He cried and I felt horrible because I had to bear hug him and cross my legs around his.  They gave him a lollipop when they were done.  He was fine after that.

Mason needed a nap really bad.  He had a rough night.  He woke up several times.  He managed to get himself back to sleep all but one time at 1am.  I got him up and changed his diaper.  He went right back to sleep about 20 minutes later.  I'm not sure why he was so restless but I knew he was going to be sleepy today.  He has been asleep for 2 hours so far.

I spoke with Christian's teacher again today.  She said that its as if he's not on any medication.  He's back to not knowing what's going on and not following directions.  I've noticed a little bit of that in the morning even after he takes his medicine but after school and on weekends he seems to be fine.  I have another appointment with his doctor coming up.  Maybe we need to try a different medication.  I'm not sure.  The school year is almost over.  I hope we can get this figured out beforehand.

Dominic is taking a math class over there.  It was supposed to start on Monday but that class was canceled.  I'm anxious to hear how it goes.  He said he feels kinda nervous because its been so long since he's taken classes.  I know he will do great.  He's a really good student.  He only has 16 more units to go before he will get his AA.  I am so glad that he decided to do this class because it will give him something to do and time to get away from the ones that are driving him insane.  

He also got some really good news today.  He said that they learned that they will get two weeks of consecutive leave with their 4 days of in processing.  So its almost three weeks of free leave after he gets back.  He also will not be going back to his job of UDM (Unit Deployment Manager).  He doesn't know what job he will come back to yet but he was so stressed out doing UDM.  Even if he goes back to flight Sgt he will be a happier person.  All great news. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rewarding Good Work

Christian found out on Friday that he raised the most money in the whole school for the American Heart Association.  We were able to raise $145 and Christian won an MP3 player.  Unfortunately its not compatible with our Mac.

Christian has all A's and B's.  He raised his C in math to an A.  He did an exceptional job with his TAKS test and we felt he deserved to be rewarded.

Two Christmas' ago Christian got a Nintendo DS from Santa.  Within 6 months he dropped it so many times that it broke and we had to throw it away.  The whole top lid was hanging by the wires.  Dominic and I were pretty upset and disappointed in the way Christian lacked responsibility for his game system.  We told him that he would not get another one unless he paid for it himself or if he earned it.  

Christian got two Target gift cards in the mail this week for doing so well on his TAKS test.  One from Auntie Kara and Uncle Julio and another from Papa Jim and Gramma Patty.  We decided that if Christian wanted to try again we would get him another DS to reward his efforts and hard work in school.  He deserves it.  So we used the gift cards and Dominic and I covered the rest.  "Thank you guys!"

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Photo

Let me explain the reason I changed my blog photo.  I LOVE the photo that was there before.  That picture was taken by my friend Amanda when we were in South Lake Tahoe last summer.  Its a great family photo which we don't get very often.  I took the photo off because we have all changed so much in almost a years time.  I wanted to put up something that was more up to date.  I anticipate being able to take some professional family photos after Dominic gets home.  So until then, this one will have to do.

Friday, April 3, 2009

No Sleep

Poor Dominic.  I feel so bad for him.  He shares a room with two other guys.  One plays video games on his laptop and won't use headphones.  The other talks in his sleep.  Dominic is so tired of living with these two.  He said he will go to the room because he knows they are both not there and within minutes they follow.  He is tired of having no privacy.  There is nowhere to go to get away.  Everyone needs a break especially when you are trying to stay away from certain people.  Dominic is so ready to come home.  He even said that he hates it now.  Well we have about 2 1/2 more months to go.  On a better note, Dominic is going to take a math class while he's there.  He's only 16 units away from getting his AA.  I think that him taking a class is a really positive thing and it will give him something to keep his mind on.  I'm excited for him.  He says that he's nervous because its been so long since he's gone to school but this will be different.  He'll do great.

Things here at home have really calmed down.  Christian is done with Sylvan now.  The only evening activity we have now is Cub Scouts.  Its nice and I am enjoying not having to run around constantly.

Its supposed to be windy this weekend.  Its been a little chilly too.  We don't have any plans.  I wanted to take the boys to the park but we'll have to wait and see what the weather looks like.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rough Mornings

Christian can't seem to get himself up when the alarm goes off!  I set his alarm for 7:10 am.  The clock stays in bed with him which clearly is part of the problem.  He turns off the alarm and goes back to sleep.  He stays up playing and reading in bed until all hours.  I allow him to read until 9:30 then its lights out.  Well that doesn't always happen.  So this morning I woke him up at 7:40.  He has to get to school by 8:30.  He spends what seems like an hour in the bathroom, takes forever to get dressed, eats breakfast and so on.  This morning he had to eat breakfast in the car.  Should I let him be responsible for being late?  If I didn't rush around he would surely be late.  One thing is for sure, tonight, lights out at bedtime.