It was a good day. I took Ayden and Mason to a play group this morning. There was a little bounce house and some snacks. We sang a few songs and played. Ayden had so much fun. The friend that I go with is 30 weeks pregnant with her third daughter. I am liking her more and more. We went to the park last week together. Her name is Tasha. Anyhow, she and her husband are trying to sell their house and have most of their stuff in storage. They have all of their brand new baby items ($1300.00 worth) in storage which was broken into and all of the baby stuff was stolen. She is only 10 weeks away from her due date! I felt so terrible when she told me about it this morning. It is always so special to pick out the items that you want and the patterns that you like and to have someone just take it right out from under you like that is unimaginable. People can be so cruel! Her baby shower is on Saturday. I won't be able to go because I don't have a babysitter but I have a gift for her.
Christian went to Sylvan this evening. I guess it went well. He didn't say much. I will be meeting with the director probably next week to see how he is doing. I'm anxious to hear.
We got word today that we won't be having guests for Thanksgiving now. Its unfortunate but Corey and Amanda won't be able to make it here. I guess it will be the five of us. I am trying to decide whether or not to brave the 4am crowds on Black Friday this year. Last year was my very first time ever getting up at 4am to go shopping. I waited in line with my friend Leslyn at Best Buy for 2 hours and almost passed out. I was very pregnant and as soon as I stepped out into the fresh air I instantly felt better. That was a strange experience for sure. So we'll see this year. I don't have a friend to go with this year but maybe I will go alone. We'll see.
Dominic took his test today. He said that he knew that he passed but didn't know what his score was yet. They finished up really early today, around 3:30pm. I guess the guys all had fun messing around and joking today. I think most of the pressure is off now that they've tested. They have a few things to do tomorrow then they will graduate on Friday. Saturday they fly home. Since they didn't get their plane tickets until late and because its the weekend before Thanksgiving, the guys got split up between three flights. Dominic comes in on the first flight but has to wait at the airport for the other two to arrive. He has to be sure that everyone gets in okay. They will have a bus pick them up and drive them back to base. I'm guessing that he won't be home until after 10pm.
Tomorrow I am going to try out a Stroller Class at the YMCA. They have daycare for Ayden and Mason if I were to take a class where I couldn't have them. So tomorrow Ayden will go to daycare at the Y and Mason and I will go to the class. I guess it's a lot of walking and they stop occasionally to do lunges and squats and things. I know the lady that is the director of the Y here and she teaches lots of the classes. She just had a baby herself and takes or teaches this class...i'm not sure which. Anyhow, I am really excited about it. The class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I am thinking about adding this to our weekly schedule. We'll see?
Okay so I am going to sign off for now. More to come tomorrow!
6 days ago
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