We have had a very busy week but its been so great to have Dominic home. He's been very helpful with the boys while still learning all the new things about the boys and our routine. It has been so nice for me to have help getting out of the house. I used to make 2-3 trips to the car before we could actually leave. Now, we are out the door all together. That is nice!
Dominic installed our new dishwasher yesterday. Oh man! I have been WAITING to have a dishwasher back. I have been hand-washing dishes for close to 3 months now.
Yesterday we went over to John and Laurie's house. The boys swam and had a blast. Mason LOVED the water. He's a little fishy without gills. We put arm floaters on him and he was so comfortable in the water. He absolutely LOVED the pool.
When it got dark we were able to sit in their backyard and watch some fireworks from the country club. It was amazing! We had the perfect view and didn't have to fight a crowd or find a place to park. Laurie and John made some homemade ice cream and we sat and talked. They are such great people and we really enjoy hanging out with them.
We didn't do much today. We did some more shopping then we came home and made some dinner. We had some steak, bacon wrapped scallops, zucchini and squash and fresh corn. It was a lot of food and we came to the realization that we just don't eat like we used to. None of us eat nearly as much as we did 6 months ago. Dominic lost fat and gained quite a lot of muscle, I lost 53 lbs (so far), Christian doesn't eat as much because of his medicine and Ayden has his on and off days. We need to start cooking less :)
I hope everyone had a nice 4th!
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