My sister and her boyfriend, Julio had planned their baby shower for Saturday afternoon. I wasn't planning on going since I knew we would be seeing them in two weeks time for our family vacation to Disneyland. I just couldn't justify spending a whole bunch more money right before our vacation.
My sister and I
Dominic was very insistent that I fly home to CA for the baby shower while I was still not able to get past the money issue. We spoke to a family friend and she reminded me that its not about the money....its about the memories. From that point on, I knew she was right. I had to go.
So I bought a plane ticket and reserved a hotel room and rental car. I figured that if I am going to surprise my sister I might as well surprise everyone! How fun would that be?
I drove to the mall to kill some time and did some shopping for our Vegas trip. After that I drove out to the Edible Arrangements store where I had ordered an arrangement for the shower. I picked it up and headed over to Kara's house. As I pulled up to her house I saw my dad's truck parked on the street. I was so happy to see that he was there. I was hoping he would be there. Then as I came up to the corner I saw Julio tying some balloons to the street sign and I covered my face as I turned into the court so he wouldn't see me. I parked the car, grabbed my purse and started walking towards him. As I approached I yelled "can I help?" to him. He looked up and smiled as if he was trying to figure out who I was and as I got closer his jaw dropped. That was a great feeling. My whole body was trembling as I hugged him. He was shocked and surprised and hardly had any words.
I followed him to the front door and while he went inside to get Kara I stood outside. She came to the door and opened it. She immediately started to cry as did I while we hugged. It was really great. After we hugged for a bit Kara asked if dad knew I was coming. I said no and just as he was coming into the house from the backyard we were walking right towards him. He hugged me so tight and was really happy to see me. I felt very loved in that moment. Dad helped me bring in the HUGE fruit arrangement and as we walked to the car he said "when I was taking my shower this morning I just wondered if you might show up".
As the day went on I was able to surprise our Aunts, and lots of family friends. It was like the gift that keeps giving. I really had a great time and I was happy that I could be there for Kara and Julio.
The baby shower was beautiful, very well done by Kara's closest friends. They got lots of great gifts and are so loved.