Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What A Guy!

Dad is a "what-a-guy"!  
He replaced switches, outlets, a toilet, hung blinds, added and changed our kitchen lighting and helped me move firewood.
Thanks dad!

Dad replaced our small round kitchen light with a new 4' florescent kitchen light and added a whole new light fixture above the fridge.
This area had no light before and was always dark.  Not anymore!
I can actually see when I'm cooking now.

Dad and Ayden replacing a 3-way switch with their headlamps on.


Okay so we've been in the process the past month or so of trying to figure out if something in Christian's brain isn't connecting the way it should.  We were told to call a local mental health place here in town.  I got Christian an appointment with a Clinical Psychologist.  Our first appointment was just to answer a few questions and meet the doctor.  The second appointment I dropped Christian off for a four hour evaluation.  They did a series of tests with him to help the doctor make a diagnosis (if there was one to be found).  The third appointment was today where I was given the results and diagnosis.

Christian has all the classical symptoms of what is known as ADHD Inattentive Type.  The doctor went over all of the test results with me.  He said that there is no doubt that Christian is smart, he is, anyone that knows him can tell you that.  There are two areas of concern.  One being Christian's social skills the other being his lack of focus.  These are apparently typical of the inattentive type.  The doctor said that the next step is that we will get a letter in the next few weeks and I will need to take him to see his doctor on base.  Then we can discuss our options.  There are some medications that he said work immediately and that we would be able to notice in the same day.  There are others that would take a matter of weeks.  

I intend to do some research online and see what our options are.  I was visibly surprised by what the doctor was telling me which he pointed out.  He said that children with this often get overlooked because they aren't hyperactive (Christian is not).  He seems to think that the rest of the school year will be a much different story.  

What a bit of news!

Friday, December 26, 2008

A few Christmas Pictures

Ayden opening gifts

Mason's new toy table!

Mason and Papa

It's a Wii!!!!!!!!

The boys in their Christmas jammies :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Not as bad as I expected

Well, its Christmas night.  The boys are FINALLY tucked in bed and asleep.  Dad is out walking Millie and I am settling into my blog.

What a day!  I felt a bit disheveled today after all the gifts were opened.  We spent about two and a half hours opening gifts then about an hour and a half trying to get into the toy packages and putting batteries in everything.  Once that was done we needed to organize the trash piles and toy piles.  By this point Ayden can barely focus on one thing.  He starts to play with his Aquadoodle mat but then gets distracted by the new bounce back racer.  Christian got lots of great new books which he had his nose buried in not long after the excitement was over.  Dad, Christian and I played one of Christian's new games.  We all enjoyed that.  Then we went out back to play with silly string.  Dad and I transferred firewood from one stack on the side of the house to the stack by the back door.  However we won't be needing it for tonight or tomorrow.  It is supposed to be 78 degrees tomorrow.  Then 50 degrees on Saturday!
Mason likes his new toys and I am so glad.  He so enjoys following me around the house.  I hope that these toys will distract him for a short while so I can get things done.

We had a nice dinner of ham, corn and green bean casserole, baked potatoes and rolls.  We also made a pumpkin pie for dessert.

Dominic didn't think he would get to call, but everyone was authorized a 15 minute call to family by the commander.  I was grateful!  He called yesterday evening.  He said that things are good and he sounded good which is what I look for when I talk to him.  If he sounds good that makes me feel better.  He spoke to Christian and dad also.

I think this next week I will probably take down our decorations and get the house back in order.  Dad is going to do some repairs for me which I am excited about.  I am truly enjoying having some company.

Our good friend Zach came over yesterday for a quick visit and brought us some Chex mix that his mom made.  Then we went to the evening service at church.  It was nice, the music was beautiful and the chapel was glowing with candle light.  I was so happy that we went.

I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas!  I did (all things considered)!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!

Okay, time to catch up a bit.  

My dad arrived Monday afternoon.  Christian was patiently waiting by the front window to see the white monster arrive.  Dad has a big white diesel and was pulling a white enclosed trailer with him.  As soon as he was seen the boys were out the door!  

Its been nice having him here and having some adult conversation rather than talking to kids constantly.  Yesterday I was able to leave the two big boys at home with Papa so I could go to my stroller class.  That was nice.

We ran some errands yesterday.  Did some last minute shopping and picked up a few groceries at Walmart.  It was packed, which I expected.  The boys were fine and we were able to get what we needed and get out.

Today I think we will go to the Harley store.  Then this evening we will go to the Christmas Eve service at church.  Maybe after that we can drive around a little bit to see some Christmas lights.  

I got a few emails from Dominic over the past couple of days.  It sounds like everything is going okay.  He said that he will be working over Christmas Eve and Christmas day so he probably won't get to call.  He will be flying in and out of Iraq.  I am anxious to get to talk to him again though.  I miss hearing his voice.  

I asked Dominic how much down time they have between missions.  He said they get about 2-3 days between missions.  He said they have TV shows and movies that they can watch.  They sleep a lot.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mission #1 complete!

I just got an email from Dominic.  He completed his first mission.  He and Nate flew into Iraq three times today.  WOW!  Its crazy to read that huh?
He said that it was "cake".  He got to sit in the cockpit for one leg of the mission but assured me that he wasn't flying the plane.  What a relief!
Dominic says "It's official, I have been in a combat zone, I'm a combat vet"
I'm so proud of you babe!
We love you and miss you!

Friday, December 19, 2008

He's spoiling me :)

I know it won't last, but Dominic is really spoiling me in the past two days.  He called yesterday for just a minute, then I got an email.  The phone rang just before 7 am this morning and it was him again.  I knew at that hour who it would be and I am so glad that it was.

They are 9 hours ahead of us here in TX.  So when he called at 7 am it was 4 pm there.  He said that they had a Christmas party today and had food brought in from town.  He said the food was very similar to the Indian food we've eaten in England.  He and the rest of the team have their own building.  Dominic is sharing a room with two other guys.  They have 4 computers in their building to use.  That will be nice.  I think the most contact we will have is via email since he only gets two 15 minute phone calls per week.  

I asked him a couple of questions about him getting a mission but his answers were very generalized.  I'm getting a feel for what he will and will not be able to tell me.  He knows that I know there are lots of things he won't be able to tell me and that's okay.

He said that their bus ride to the base was "un-nerving".  I guess the bus driver stopped to check a tire and fell out of the convoy.  That made Dominic really nervous.  He said that they had armed escorts that stopped with them though, so that's good.  He also said that the people drive like "mad men" there.

When I picked Christian up from school on Wednesday he was not looking good.  He usually runs to the car but he just slowly strolled to the car.  When he got in I asked how his day was and he said "oh, I don't want to talk about it".  Hmmm, okay.  Well eventually he told me what happened.  His teacher offered an extra credit assignment where the kids could bring in a traditional holiday food that their family makes.  It could be for any holiday.  Well I talked with Christian and we decided to make the almond roca that is my Aunts recipe.  I make it almost every Christmas.  So I made up a batch, counted the pieces to make sure there was enough for the whole class, bagged them up and sent them to school on Monday.  Well, on Wednesday when they were supposed to share their food Christian asked his teacher where his extra credit was.  She said "you didn't bring any".  He said "that's when I knew she ate it".  His teacher thought it was for her and ate all of it.  Christian was beyond disappointed and it broke my heart.  He was excited about sharing with his class, but that didn't happen.  I just can't figure out why we keep having these miscommunications with his teacher this year.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Short but sweet enough

The phone finally rang at 7:56 this morning.  YES!  I knew it would be Dominic.  He sounded good.  He said that he couldn't talk for long but that he was there and he was okay.  The conversation went something like this:

me:  Hello?
him:  Hi babe!
me:  Hi!
him:  I can't talk long but I wanted to let you know I'm here and okay.
me:  okay, I'm glad you called
him:  what are you up to?
me:  just getting ready to take Christian to school
him:  oh, well I don't have an address yet, there are a few things I don't have yet  but hopefully I will get one soon.
me: okay
him:  I better go, I don't have much time to talk but I love you
me:  ok babe, I love you too
him:  bye
me: bye

I was so glad to hear his voice!
I can't wait for the next phone call!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

No Word

Yesterday was a crazy day, again. Ayden started throwing up and having the runs first thing in the morning. He asked for some water and threw up after each of the three times he drank. After about two hours he was clearly feeling better and didn't throw up again. He did manage to go through four pairs of underwear yesterday :(  Poor little guy!

Dominic was supposed to call at 7:30 am so that he could talk to the boys before we took Christian to school. He never called. When we got home there was a message. We missed him.

Mason decided not to take any naps yesterday. So it got to the point where I knew if we got out of the house (in the car) that he would fall asleep and not be so fussy. Christian had tutoring after school with his math teacher so I knew we had about an hour before we had to go get him. I loaded up the boys and drove to Target. I didn't really NEED anything besides to get out of the house. So we get there, park and I open Ayden's door and he's out! Sleeping! Well, there is no way I am going to wake him up. He's sick and he needs some extra sleep. So I decide to go to the bank and just drive around for an hour until its time to go get Christian. Ayden and Mason both slept in the car.

We picked up Christian, came home for about 40 minutes then we were off to the Hearts Apart Christmas Party. It was at the Family Readiness Center. There wasn't as many people as I expected. Santa was there for pictures. It took a long time and patients to get Ayden to sit with Santa and the only way he would was if I sat on Santa's lap and Ayden sat on my lap. Yeah, I know! A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. Santa was so very generous and such a sweet guy. He had a beautiful Santa suit on and his beard and mustache were real. He asked us our plans for the holidays and I told him. He said that he always has an open door policy at his home and invited us to come for Christmas dinner if we didn't have anything to do. What a sweet guy! Christian loved him! Each of the boys came home with a bag full of stuffed animals and toys. They also served pizza.

We haven't heard from Dominic yet. I am anxious for the phone to ring, but I just don't know when that will happen. I am patiently waiting.

Monday, December 15, 2008

So sad.

Okay, I'm allowed to have a "poor me" day right?  Well this is probably one of many that I will have over the next 6 months.

Ayden and I both woke up this morning sick.  We have head colds, thankfully no coughing yet.  I would much rather be stuffed up or have a runny nose than a cough.  Ayden did pretty well today although he was a little short tempered.  He hasn't eaten much over the past two days but he goes through stages like that often.

It was FREEZING today.  I kid you not!  Yesterday was 76 degrees.  Today with the wind chill, it was 11 degrees!  Yeah, I know.  Honestly, how does that happen?

I'm sad.  Dominic's phone has no service and although I can call him at the hotel its not the same.  We always text each other throughout the day.  Now I know I won't be getting any texts from him.  We called the hotel to say good night to him but he wasn't in his room.  We left him a message.  He called a while later and said he was doing laundry.  They leave tomorrow.  Dominic said he would call me in the morning before we take Christian to school so that he could talk to the boys then.  After that, I don't know when I will hear from him again.  That's a hard fact to swallow.  I will miss hearing from him on a daily basis.  He is my hero, my very best friend, my lover, my everything!

I will be strong for the boys but its okay to be weak once in a while right?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A slow clap

Hi all, its been a while since i've blogged.  I guess we've just been enjoying a quiet weekend at home.

Dominic finished up his training on Wednesday and graduated on Friday.  He said it wasn't a big deal.  Their group leader went up and got their certificates and that was it pretty much.

Yesterday they all flew to their destination for the next couple of days.  They are staying in a beautiful Hilton hotel near the airport.  Each of the NCO's got their own rooms.  Dominic lucked out and got a king sized bed.  They will be there until Tuesday.

They had a short flight, only about 40 minutes or so.  They all had to fly in uniform which has its advantages.  Dominic got a first class seat.  The flight attendant made their announcements about snacks and drinks.  Then he said to all of the military folks "your drinks are on us".  Then one man started the slow clap.  You know what I mean...like in the movies.  When one person starts to clap and others slowly join in until there is a loud roar of people showing their appreciation.  That's what happened on the plane.  Dominic said that it felt really good and that he got the chills.  I am so proud of him and it so nice that even strangers aren't afraid to show their pride for our military.

I made tacos for dinner last night.  I got a thumbs up!  Christian took one bite, then another.  He said "they're good, but they're not dads".  That's good enough for me.  He was right after all.  They were certainly good but they weren't daddys.

I am planning a party!  I'm excited about it.  I don't have many friends but the few that I do have I am going to have over for a cookie exchange.  Each person brings 2 dozen cookies and everyone gets to take home a few of each kind to their families.  I am going to have an ornament craft for the kids to do also.  I am going to invite the lady that I met in stroller class and the wife of one of the guys that is with Dominic.  She lives right here in our neighborhood and has a 6 month old baby boy.  I hope that every one can come.  It will be next weekend.

Speaking of next weekend, my dad will be arriving early in the week.  Probably on the 22nd or 23rd.  He will be driving from California.  I inherited some of my moms furniture which my sister has been storing in her garage for me.  My dad will bring it all with him which is great.  He will also bring with him a couple of items that my grandma wants us to have.  The boys and I are really excited to have some company for Christmas.  

This next week is Christian's last week before Christmas break.  Monday he has a Christmas party for Boy Scouts and Wednesday he has a field trip for school.  He has Sylvan Wednesday and Thursday, so we have a busy week ahead of us.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Care Packages

Okay, I have heard that a few of you that read this are preparing to send Dominic packages.  I want to share a couple tips.  First of all, if you go to the post office you can find Flat Rate Boxes.  There are two sizes and they are free.  You can take as many as you need.  Also while you are there pick up a stack of customs forms.  They usually have these in the lobby also.  Those of you that used to send us packages in Iceland and England know what these are.  Its a white form about the size of half a sheet of paper.  You must fill one of these out to send things overseas.  I much prefer filling them out at home than at the post office, so I keep a stack at home.  So  you have your flat rate box and customs form.  Fill the box with whatever you intend to send Dominic.  It does not matter how much the box weighs, it will only cost the flat rate (provided you use a Flat Rate Box).  I believe the flat rate to send to military is $10.95.  This is a great thing!  

A few ideas for a care package:

wet wipes
beef jerky
powdered drink mix
home baked anything
travel size games
cough drops

Remember that most of these things will get shared with the whole team.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cold, really cold!

It's so cold here today!  We have winds from the North but they are supposed to die off later this evening.  This morning when we got up it was 28 degrees outside.  We bundled up to take Christian to school which I wasn't even sure was going to happen.  Christian hasn't been feeling well for several days.  He was having tummy problems over the weekend then it started to shift into a head cold.  Yesterday he complained of ear pain again.  I have an appointment for tomorrow morning to see if he has another ear infection.  I waited until this morning to see how he was feeling to decide whether I would send him to school today or not.  I honestly didn't think he would get thru the day without having to come home but its almost time to pick him up and I never got any calls today.  

I took Ayden and Mason to a play group again.  My friend Tasha invited us to go with her and Emma.  The play group was at her pastors house this time instead of the church.  It was nice and the kids had fun.  Each child got a gift.  Mason got a board book about baby Jesus and Ayden got two books with a cd and some finger puppets of the nativity scene.  Its very cute and he was excited about it.

I found some great books last night on Amazon.com.  They are children's books about a parent deploying.  I ordered five I think.  I can't wait to get them in the mail.  Ayden is finally enjoying bedtime stories.  I read a bedtime story to Christian from the time he was three years old until he could read books himself.  I've tried lots of times to read to Ayden but he just wasn't into it.  Now he loves it!  I'm so glad.  About the books, I ordered The Soldiers Night Before Christmas, The Soldiers Tree, I Miss You, A Paper Hug, and Night Before Christmas In The Military.  I am so excited to start reading these with Ayden and talking to him about daddy and what he's doing.  I hope that they will help him to understand what's going on.  He asks about daddy everyday wondering where he is and when he's coming home.  Poor little guy doesn't even know that its only just begun:(

I'm trying a new recipe for dinner tonight.  I think (hope) that the boys will like it.  It's very similar to tater tot casserole.  I make that for the boys and everyone loves it!  This one has brawts and saurkraut with cheese sauce and tater tots.  The boys love sausages and tots so I think this one will work.  I'll let you know.

I am very anxious for Christmas.  There are a few things under the tree for Mason that I would really like him to have now.  He is bored with his toys and needs some new stimulation.  His new thing is wanting to stand.  Every time I go to put him on the floor he wants to stand, not sit!  He's even starting to let go when he's standing at the chair or couch.  He always falls within a second or two but he's trying.  I got him one of those toy tables for babies to stand and play at.  I really think he will love it and I wish I could give it to him now!

Christian is at Sylvan right now.  He has a huge packet of make up work to do from missing school yesterday.  He's going to be busy tonight.

Today was Dominic's last day of training then they will graduate on Friday.  They learned of their flight plans yesterday.  Dominic asked me when I started this blog to not put any specific names or locations on it so I won't, but they will be making two stops on their way to their final destination.  They leave on Tuesday.  I just spoke with him and he said that today was good.  No specifics though.  He sounds pretty tired.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thunder? Lightning?

Okay, so last night I knew that we were supposed to get rain.  I didn't know that we were going to have a thunder storm!  The weather was very strange yesterday.  It was warm (70 degrees) and windy.  I just didn't feel right to walk outside, with leaves crunching under our feet, to have a warm wind on our faces.  I don't know, it was just strange.  As it got dark, the wind picked up and by the time the boys were getting to bed it was a full on thunder storm.  It down poured rain for about 20 minutes and there were huge roars of thunder and tons of flashes of lightning.  Christian thought they were fireworks at first.  

Thunderstorms don't bother me.  I mostly fear the huge wind gusts.  Last year in June we had the biggest storm we've seen (since we've lived here).  I thought for sure that one of the two pine trees in our backyard were going to come through our bedroom.  I even got up to go sit in the living room because I was so fearful.  Many people had fences blown down and tree damage from that storm.

Christian had his four hour evaluation/test today.  We will get the results after Christmas I think.  I am anxious to see if they came up with anything regarding his problems following directions along with a few other concerns.

I spoke to Dominic last night.  They finished up their training early and he was so happy.  He said that it was freezing yesterday there.  The water in his camel-back froze!  That's pretty damn cold!  They did some training exercises where they simulate a hum-v rolling over.  I guess they have a simulator that rolls 360 degrees and they have to pull the gunner down and get out safely.  He said that it was really fun he just wished it hadn't been so cold.  They have today and tomorrow left of training and will be done after that.  They still don't have flight plans set yet so he doesn't know when they will leave.

Monday, December 8, 2008


I decided this weekend that I am going to make a menu for the week.  This way I will know what we are going to have for dinner each night.  I am going to shop for all of the items I will need that way, I know I have everything and won't have to make any quick trips to the store.  I also hope that this will help us eat healthier.  We'll see how it goes this week.

I checked my rat trap this morning and it had been messed with.  It was flipped over but there was no dead rat.  It ate the peanut butter though and left a whisker behind.  I set the trap again this morning but this time I used a chewed up tootsie roll.  I am determined!

I asked the boys last night what they wanted for dinner.  Ayden said "tacos".  He LOVES Dominic's tacos.  Dominic makes what we consider the best tacos.  The boys love them.  Every time we sit down with a platter of Dominic's tacos I think about how many tacos we are going to have to make when all the boys are teenagers.  We laugh about it every time.  Ayden can eat three tacos already!  Anyway, I told Ayden that we didn't have everything to make tacos but that maybe next week we would have some.  Then Christian said "do you even know how to make tacos?"  It makes me laugh because tacos are Dominic's specialty but its a joint effort.  I'm the "cheese girl".  He's called me the "cheese girl" from the beginning because he cooks the tacos and I put the cheese on.  I am sure that I have helped enough times that I can handle making tacos.  Christian is so funny!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Successful Shopping

Yesterday was perfect!  I dropped the boys off with Heath and Leslyn around 1:15 pm.  Mason had already taken a great nap so I knew that he would be good to go for a while.  I took him with me.  It's time to get some shopping done and checked off the list.  

First we went to what Ayden calls "the letter store" Toys R Us.  If you think about the sign you'll understand where he gets that from.  He just sees the big brightly colored letters.  We got a few things there then we went to Target.  After that we went to a store that I have heard about on the radio.  It's called The Browse Shop and its in downtown WF.  We've never been there but I was hoping they would have what I needed.  I was looking to get the big boys each a new pair of cowboy boots but I didn't want to pay $70-90.00 per pair.  The Browse Shop was amazing!  It was huge and they had anything a cowboy could want.  There was an amazing selection of western clothing and boots especially for kids.  Most western stores have a few pairs of boots for kids and mostly John Deer ones.  I didn't want John Deer ones.  I was able to find them both boots and I got both pairs for $80.00!  I was a happy camper.  After that store I needed to come home to drop off all of my treasures before I could pick up the boys.  Mason fell asleep in the car while I unloaded.  On my way back to get the boys I stopped at the craft store to get a few things.  The boys and I are going to work on a project for Dominic today.  Then I went and got the boys.

I had a very successful day and I am done shopping for the boys!  After they went to bed I wrapped all of it.  

It's time to man up!

Okay, I know how disgusting this is so bare with me.  

Every once in a while we get rats that get up into the bottom of our bbq.  I guess they eat the charred drippings or something.  We have an alley behind our house where the dumpsters are.  We don't have rolling garbage cans that we put out on the street on a certain day for pick up.  So we assume that there are rats in the dumpsters but I have never seen one personally.  Anyhow, Lilly FLIPS OUT when she smells the rats.  One time she even caught one and carried it the house...eek!  That was shortly after we moved in.  Once I got it out of her mouth I used a shovel to throw it over the fence.  Dominic was working nights then.  Okay, moving on...  Well Dominic doesn't ever seem too bothered by the whole thing.  I guess because he figures that they aren't going away since we have the alley.  I on the other hand want to kill them!  So a few nights ago Lilly was flipping out again and I knew what had to be done, and who had to do it.  That's right!  Me!

So I bought some traps the other day at the store.  I put peanut butter on two of them and set them on the grill bars in the bbq.  The next morning...nothing.  This morning a dead rat!  Yes, it worked!  Okay so now the problem is that I have to actually get the nasty dead rodent into the dumpster without touching it.  I did NOT want this to be my job...isn't that why I got married?  So I could have someone there to kill rats?  LOL, okay I know that's a little irrational.  Anyhow, I told Christian that there was a dead rat in the bbq and that I didn't want to touch it.  Guess what he said to me?  "oh, man up mom"  Can you believe that?  Christian told me to man up!  Then he took it upon himself to be the man of the house.  Well, he tried anyway.  Pliers in hand, I went out to get the rat.  Christian wanted to do it but I was afraid he was going to squish it or something nasty.  He ended up holding the plastic grocery sack open for me to put the rat in.  I grabbed the tail with the pliers, put it in the bag and tied it up.  Not so bad.  It wasn't as bad as I had geared up for.

I did it!  And I set another trap for the next victim.  

Friday, December 5, 2008

Ready for the weekend

I'm going to make this a quick one I think.  I'm tired!  

Ayden, Mason and I went to Target today.  I love Target!  I would much rather go to Target than Walmart but sometimes you just can't beat the prices.  Anyhow, we shopped for Dominic.  We got him some things that we thought he could use.  We are going to get a box together that we will send once he gets his address.

Dominic called again tonight.  He said it was a good day but kind of boring.  They will have the weekend off.  He took a long shower and was ready for bed.

We were invited over to our friends house this evening for a game night.  The problem is that Mason is in bed by 6:30 pm almost always.  So as he does, he was in bed by 6:45 pm.  We were supposed to go to our friends house at 7 pm.  So that just didn't work out.  I'm happy that they invited us though and hopefully we will get to go next time.  I'm not sure when this weekend but they are going to keep Christian and Ayden for me so I can finish my Christmas shopping.  

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Christian came in my room this morning at 6 am to tell me that Ayden was coughing a lot and he thought that maybe he threw up.  I got up to check on him and he was curled up without any blankets on.  He coughed a few times but was sound asleep.  I covered him up and tucked the blankets around him.  When we got up for the day Ayden didn't want breakfast.  Then he came in the kitchen and heaved over the floor.  He didn't have anything to throw up but he looked a little sick and pale.  We took Christian to school and came home.  Normally Ayden likes to snack all day long.  He eats great, healthy food but he eats all day.  Not today.  He never did throw up again and he didn't cough at all.  I'm not really sure what happened this morning but he seems okay now.

We didn't go to stroller class today because Ayden was sick.  It was super cold this morning too so they were going to move the class to 2 pm instead.  My legs have been hurting so bad the past two days.  At stroller class on Tuesday we did lunges the length of a basketball court twice.  Its no secret that I am not in good shape but I have never had such horrible muscle pain as I have from those lunges.  I am feeling much better today but its still painful.

Dominic called earlier tonight so that he could talk to the boys.  They have been asking to talk to him but are always in bed when he calls.  He spoke to Christian first then Ayden.  Christian told him about the trains that we saw on Monday and they talked about our Christmas tree.  Ayden kept asking when he was going to come home.  He said "I love you daddy, goodnight"  That whole conversation was hard for Dominic.  He was crying when I got back on the phone with him.  We talked about things that the boys and I can do to help Ayden understand time.  I think we will get a special calendar where we can have him cross off each day as we get closer to June.

I think I am going to have a shopping day on Saturday.  Our friends told me that I could call them whenever I need to take a break.  Well, I don't so much need a break yet but I do need to finish shopping for the boys.  That is very hard to do when I have them with me.  So I think I will drop off the big boys and take Mason shopping with me.  I hope I will be able to finish all of my shopping.

Christmas Elves

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So Proud!

I just got home from my meeting with Sylvan.  After every 12 hours of instruction they schedule a meeting with the parents to go over the things that Christian has learned and mastered.  This was our first meeting after 14 hours of instruction.  

First let me start with the goals.  They predicted that Christian would need somewhere between 68 and 79 hours of instruction to get him caught up to grade level.  He needed to go back to the basics of second grade math and master those skills before they even moved on to the third grade stuff.

Christian is doing amazing!  He has already mastered all of the skills that he needed for second grade math.  They are now moving on to third grade skills to include learning his math facts and also multiplication.  They haven't even started learning multiplication in school yet.  They now expect that he will be up to grade level with only 38 hours of instruction.  That's almost half of what they predicted!  I am beyond excited for Christian.  I struggled with math in school and still do.  I HATED math!  I do not want for Christian to have to go through school feeling the way that I did.  Dominic and I both felt like this was an important thing to do for Christian.  We were hopeful that it would work out.  I can't wait to talk to Dominic tonight and tell him the news!  This is just about the best news ever!

4 Bathrooms?

So far so good. Yesterday was a good day, mostly.

I went to the stroller class at the YMCA. Only one other lady showed up. She was the same one whose husband left on Monday as well. She was having a tough time. I could tell that she had been crying. We decided to walk in the gym because it was pretty windy again. We walked and talked and compared stories. We have so much in common right now. I am looking forward to getting to know her better. About 40 minutes into our walking the lady from the Child Watch came to get me. Ayden wet his pants! I felt bad of course but it wasn't his fault. The problem is that the room where they keep the kids doesn't have a bathroom and there are certain rules about how many adults have to be with the kids. So the lady went to get another adult to come in the room so she could take Ayden to the bathroom. Unfortunately it just took too long. He couldn't wait that long. I felt so bad for him. When I came to get him he had his jacket tied around his waist. He just looked at me and started crying. It was like he was embarrassed and didn't know what else to do. Poor little guy. He had had a lot to drink that morning so next time I will make sure to take him to the bathroom when we get there and also not give him so much to drink. Maybe that will help for next time.

Dominic called last night. He said they didn't do anything yesterday except go to the BX. They got in a day early again so they start training today. So here's the thing...there are 160 people there for training and 4 bathrooms. Two female bathrooms and two male bathrooms. Of course the men out-number the women so really there are only two bathrooms for a whole bunch of guys. Dominic was getting up at 5 am to try and get a shower. I'm anxious to hear how that went. Doesn't sound fun to me.

No major plans for today. I have an appointment at Sylvan in a few hours to find out how Christian is doing. I hope to hear good things. He loves Sylvan so I really hope that its working. After how much we paid for it, it better be working....hehehe.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mission Complete

Its done!  I got our Christmas tree up yesterday while Mason took his morning nap.  He took a great nap so that was helpful.  When he woke up I brought him out of his room and stood in front of the tree.  He looked very confused but so far he hasn't been interested in pulling on ornaments.  Ayden however can't leave them alone. See, the problem is that we have LOTS of toy ornaments. We have Tonka tractor ornaments, Thomas the Train, Bob the Builder...etc. Ayden wants to play with them like they are toys. This morning Christian yelled for me saying "MOM, Ayden has an ornament in his bed!" I will have to stay on top of that.

Dominic got to his destination fine however the airlines left 14 of their bags in Dallas. He texted later saying they got them all back. They must have sent them on a different flight. We didn't talk yesterday, only texted. He sent me a picture of the back of his cabbies head. He said this guy had the worst hair piece he'd ever seen. So they secretly took a picture and sent it to me. I was driving Christian to get his allergy shot when I got the picture. I laughed so hard. It was hilarious. I've seen some pretty bad rugs but this one takes the cake...hehehehe

While Ayden, Mason and I were waiting for Christian to get out of school Ayden asked me where daddy was. I knew this question was coming since he has no idea what is really going on. I told him that daddy flew on an airplane again. He said "aw man!" I think Dominic's absence is going to be the most difficult for little Ayden.

We went to Cub Scouts last night. Instead of the regular meeting we met at the local museum for a model train exhibit. There is a man who is an Eagle Scout that lives locally. He got his first model train for Christmas in 1941 and has collected ever since. Every few years he packs up his basement of trains and sets them up at the museum for the community to see. He did a special presentation just for Christian's pack last night. It was amazing! The boys LOVED it and so did I. He had 20 trains going on all different tracks. There was a circus, a zoo, an Army base, a McDonalds, Albertsons...etc. It was HUGE and so intricate. The whole thing was amazing!

I spoke to a really good friend of mine last night. Its always so great to talk to her. She is currently in the same situation as us with her husband gone. He will be coming home two months early which is great news. However, with the military, its one of those things...you believe it when you see it. So hopefully he will be home in the first week of January.

Well I better get ready for our stroller class. It is kind of windy today though so I'm not sure if it will be canceled or not. We'll see.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Rough Night

Whew, that was tough.

We had a nice but long dinner at Johnny Carinos.  It was between that and Texas Roadhouse as I predicted.  Dominic usually isn't big on Italian food but I love it.  He picked and said that Italian sounded good.  So we got there and their computers crashed or something.  The food was slow getting to the table but it worked out fine.  We had a small group of three people next to us.  They sat talking long after they finished their meals.  Once they got up to go, they stopped to talk to the boys.  They complimented Christian on his drawings (on the kids menu) and told Dominic and I what a beautiful family we have.  They were so nice.  They said several times that they were impressed how well behaved the boys were at dinner.  Its always so nice to hear those things and people in Texas aren't shy about saying things like that.

Dad called Dominic while we were at dinner to say goodbye.  It sounded like Dominic ended the conversation quickly then when he hung up and I looked at him I knew why.  He was crying.  He has been so sad about leaving.  Everyday he told me "I don't want to leave you guys".  That's hard, on both of us.

We got home from dinner and it was time for the boys to get to bed.  I changed Mason's diaper and Dominic put his jammies on while I made his bottle.  Dominic put him to bed and cried the whole time.  Then he read the boys Green Eggs and Ham and put them to bed.  He had a very tough time even getting thru the book.  It was heart breaking to watch.  

Dominic and I went to bed.  His alarm went off at 2:30 am.  He showered and I laid awake waiting for him to say goodbye.  He dressed quickly and came to say goodbye.  This will be the longest amount of time that we have ever been apart in almost 9 years of marriage.  Its going to be really hard but we both have our minds on the goals ahead of us.  We are both confident that the time will pass quickly.  We will both be busy with our "missions".

My mission for the day...get the Christmas tree up.
Dominic's mission for the day...get to training.